Sunday, May 3, 2009

A personal pray

Our Father in heaven,

Forgive me my trespasses....I've too much to read before the exam. I'm sorry for being complacent and unable to attend Your house of pray and give praises. However, You being a understanding and loving God would hopefully forgive my sins, intended or unintended. I pray that the blessing of sacrament would continue, and that the blood and body of our Lord Jesus Christ would flow in me with continue blessing and protection.

Bless all the knowledge that I've learn and yet to learn in hopes that it will put to good use. I pray also for a power of recall and a clear memory. I pray that my answers and act would be in the favor of the examiners. Grant me the skill of eloquence so that my answers would be preferred. Pray also for my health, calmness and confidence so that I can portray myself as it should be.

I pray also to give thanks and praise for all that you have done. I cannot express how indebted I am to Your blessing. Thank you very much.

Lastly, I pray that You will be with me throughout this stressful time and guide me accordingly. So, that I could be an example to others and hopefully after very long hard work, act as an instrument of Your hand on earth to heal others in need.

I ask this with all hope and believe.

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


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